JSON Payloads
YuDash LYNX and other IoT Devices support the following JSON payload formats of payload. Each format has a unique number (starting with 10).
We explain each JSON format with an example of energy monitoring:
There are three process variables/tags. Voltage, frequency and energy, namely: volt1_in freq_in and kwhr_in
Numerical values (floating points) are read by LYNX for reach variable.
There is a string variable status_var1 which is used to capture device status information. This is an optional variable in which LYNX sends in device information at bootup and periodically.
The variable names for device information are treated just like process variables.
The timestamp variables are processed as per the given JSON format. It is a purely optional parameter and should only be used when back-fill feature is required.
LYNX has two user provided input strings (Payload Gen Key#1 and Payload Gen Key#2). We will call them
This is the simplest JSON format with key value pairs.
plKey1 and plKey2 are not used.
Sample payload format
Status Variable Payload
This is a two level JSON format with variable names as main key.
plKey1 is not used. plKey2 is used. This is set as "value" in the example below.
Data payload format
This is a JSON array with data points for each variables.
plKey1 is used (set to field in example). plKey2 is used and set as value in the example below.
Data payload format
Status Variable Payload
This is a two level JSON structure.
plKey1 is used (set to data in example). plKey2 is not used.
Data Payload
Status Variable Payload
These are proprietary JSON formats for Indian State Pollution control Board.
Proprietary JSON payload for Indian OEM customer.
Generic two level JSON payloads with option of array (FORMAT_17) and json (FORMAT_18).
TimeStamp Formats
LYNX supports the following timestamp formats to send to cloud server when timestamp has been enabled.
The time displayed on YuDash LYNX is local time (based on time-zone provided). In most cases, it is advised to store/send UTC time stamps.
UTC Time Stamp Formats
Time Stamp Format | Sample Time Stamp |
TS_50 (UTC Seconds) | 1675630526 |
TS_51 (UTC MilliSeconds) | 1675630526000 |
TS_52 (UTC YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) | 2023-02-05T20:55:26Z |
TS_53 (UTC YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | 2023-02-05 20:55:26 |
TS_54 (UTC YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS) | 2023_02_05_20_55_26 |
TS_55 (UTC YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:00) | 2023-02-05 20:55:00 (seconds taken as 00) |
TS_56 (UTC DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) | 05-02-2023 20:55:26 |
Local Time Stamp Formats
Time Stamp Format | Sample Time Stamp |
TS_60 (LocalTime Seconds) | |
TS_61 (LocalTime MilliSeconds) | |
TS_62 (LocalTime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS) | |
TS_63 (LocalTime YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | |
TS_64 (LocalTime YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS) | |
TS_65 (LocalTime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:00) | |
TS_66 (LocalTime DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS) |
The time stamps are sent along with Time Stamp Key (tsKey). They are grouped in within json format depending on JSON_FORMAT_. The timestamp key is set as timestamp in all the examples. Typically, based on server requirement timestamp, ts or time keywords are used.
Last updated