LYNX Settings

This is the main LYNX setting section in which all device configurations of LYNX are done. Primary LYNX settings include:

  • Which data to read and process and the instruments to read along with their protocol settings (Modbus/RS485, Analog, Modbus/TCP).

  • Where to send data (Cloud/LAN server). It may be default YuDash IoT platform or customer's cloud server.

  • Enabling, disabling and configuring specific features of LYNX (depending on LYNX model.

Reading and Updating LYNX Settings

  1. Click on Read LYNX Config button. This will fetch LYNX settings from the LYNX.

  1. After this step, complete LYNX settings are populated. In above example, the loop delay of 60 seconds is set. Modbus/RS485 is enabled and default YuDash cloud is used.

  1. In this example, Loop Delay has been changed to 120 seconds under General Settings.

4. After making changes, click on Update and Preview button. This step checks the validity of all settings before writing to LYNX.

5. Click on Write LYNX Config button. This will write updated settings in LYNX. A popup is displayed that settings have been sent to LYNX.

6. After all changes are completed, reboot LYNX by clicking Reboot LYNX button under Network Settings.

General Settings

This section has the following components:

Loop Delay (Sec):

This the cycle time (in seconds) of main loop of LYNX. Following is the main operation cycle of LYNX:

  1. Read the data from given set of instruments.

  2. Process and send the data to given cloud.

  3. Wait (Sleep) for given cycle to complete. During this wait time, LYNX performs background task as specific in the settings.

Loop Delay defines the frequency of data processing of LYNX. If Loop Delay is specified as 60 seconds (1 minute), LYNX will send process data to IoT platform every 1 minute.

Notes on Selection of Loop Delay

  • The loop delay has to be set by customer based on given application and required data frequency on cloud. Please note that there is cost (bandwidth, storage) involved with each data point. Typically, all IoT platform (including YuDash) have data plans depending on volume (number and frequency) of data points.

  • The cycle-time of LYNX is subject to time taken in reading instruments and network connectivity. Typically, instrument reads (on Modbus or analog) are instantaneous, but the read cycle may be prolonged in case of invalid registers or settings, causing timeouts and retrials.

  • In case, the loop delay is set to be too low, which is less than processing cycle time, there will not be any wait in LYNX.

  • For typical cloud applications loop delay of 2-5 minutes (120 to 600) will be suitable to capture real-world parameters.

Device Name

A device name (string) is provided by customer. It is displayed on OLED during running. This is only for information, traceability purpose. This is not used in any data processing.

Features Settings

This section enables/disables a given feature (protocols) of LYNX using the checkbox. Each protocol is configured in subsequent sections. Please note following:

  • It is ok to configure a given feature and still keep it disabled in this section.

  • Even though all features may be displayed in configuration page, availability of given feature depends on LYNX model.

Cloud/Network Server Settings

This section defines the server (cloud or local LAN) on which data has to be sent. By default, LYNX will send data to YuDash cloud (when "Use YuDash cloud" is checked).

Besides YuDash cloud, YuDash LYNX can send data on HTTP, MQTT and FTP servers. The cloud servers are configured in Custom Cloud Server Settings in which all credentials are specified.

  • YuDash supports variety of JSON payload settings.

  • It supports majority of popular IoT platforms which can be used in a plug and play manner.

  • Similar to field instrument settings, it is ok to populate settings of various network protocols in LYNX.

Refer to YuDash Device to Cloud API section to configure LYNX with 3rd party servers.

Save/Load LYNX Settings

LYNX provides an easy backup and restoration of LYNX configuration settings. After initial settings, one can "download" the settings in a text (json) file on laptop/mobile. Let's call the file lynx.json. This lynx.json can be later restored (re-loaded) in LYNX to overwrite all LYNX settings.

The network settings remain unaffected in this backup and restore. Network Settings have to be updated manually only.

For some of advances features, the lynx.json can be edited directly in JSON format.

Saving (Downloading) LYNX Settings on local Laptop/PC as JSON text file.

Loading LYNX Settings from JSON in local laptop/PC.

LYNX Features

LYNX supports various integration with various industrial protocols and cloud platforms. Each feature is covered under a different section in configuration page. It is scrollable from left bar.

In most of cases, each section (or its sub-section) has an open, read and update button.

Finally, one needs to do an "Update and Preview" and Write to LYNX as explained above.

For first time users, it is recommended to write to LYNX, power cycle the device and verify that given changes were actually updated in device.

Following are the list of sections in Configuration page. These are documented as part of LYNX manual or separate integration guides.

  1. RTC Settings

  2. Network Failure Handler Settings

  3. YuReCon Settings

HTML Parser Settings

SNMP Settings

Extension Settings

  1. Modbus RS485 Channel#2

4G Modem Diagnostics

Each feature is accessible from The feature details are covered in subsequent sections

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