YuTGT: YuDash Text Generator

YuDash Text Generator

YuDash Text Generator is a powerful engine to generate any kind of text payload in flexible manner including the telemetry, metadata and timestamps. YuDash Text Generator is primarily used to generate text

YuDash Text Generator for Payload

The YuDash Text Generator is primarily for payload generator, which is explained here. It is also used in FTP file name creation, and local data logging. The semantics for engine remains same.

Payload Settings

  1. Select the payload Format of "TEXT_FORMAT_20" to use YuTGT.

  2. Select the timestamp format to be used in Text Generator.

  3. The configuration to YuDash Text Generator

YuDash Text Generator Block

The YuTGT block contains the series of encoding block (string) to generate the output payload text. Each string is separated by blank space(s). The complete block is processed by YuTGT engine to generate the text payload in every run-cycle.

YuTGT String components

YuTGT Examples

Let's understand the YuDash Text Generator by actual examples. In all the examples, we are reading temperature and humidity from XY02 modbus sensor which are read as temp and humid in Modbus Settings.

YuTGT Example#1

Input YuDash Text Encoder Block

#YY / #MM / #DD , #HH : #NN : #SS , temp , humid , #NL

Output Text payload



  • #YY #MM and #DD are replaced with present date. They were encoded with / in between.

  • #HH #NN #SS was the time block, which were encoded with : in between.

  • The temp and humid values as read from Modbus sensor were encoded with comma separators.

  • Finally, #NL adds a newline to the output file.

YuTGT Example#2

Input YuDash Text Encoder Block

$date , $temp , $humid #NL , $celcius , $percent #NL #TS , temp , humid , #NL

Output Text payload



  • $date $temp $humid strings are encoded as raw string (meta) data.

  • #NL is used to create multiple line file with new lines between 3 parts.

  • #TS is used to generate a fixed time stamp format. Timestamp format of TS_64 has been selected in TimeStamp section to generate given time stamp.

  • The actual value of temp and humid were encoded in the output text.

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