Firmware release notes

YuDash V4.4

  1. Release date: 1 August 2024

  2. Support of SSL/TLS in MQTT and HTTP communication.

  3. Firmware upgrade feature over local WiFi (OTA).

  4. Improved SD card interface through repeated mounting attempt at bootup.

  5. Improved configuration UI. Assets files can be browsed and updated.

  6. Sub Firmware Versions:

    1. 4.42: YuDash LYNX

    2. 4.40: YuDash ZENYX

    3. 4.47Q: YuDash LYNX with Quectel 4G module.

    4. 4.45Q: YuDash ZENYX with Quectel 4G module

YuDash V4.2

  1. Release date: 8 May 2024

  2. Support of LAN based configuration server and device monitoring.

  3. Advanced text payload encoder.

  4. Generic FTP support for text/CSV payload and file name.

  5. High precision 16bit 8 channel ADC (Analog to digital converter) for LYNX.

  6. Data logging on local SD card in generic CSV/text file format. This logging is independent of cloud payload.

  7. Sub Firmware Versions:

    1. 4.22: YuDash LYNX with 16 bit ADC

    2. 4.20: YuDash ZENYX


  1. Release date: 23 January 2024

  2. Support of resetting to factory defaults in configuration page.

  3. Support of SD card deletion from configuration parge.

  4. Modbus RS485 with 115200 baud-rate through hardware Serial.

  5. Two Register read in Modbus RS485 for single register read. varType of 60-69 has been added to support specific limitations in flow instrument.


  1. Release date: 11 November 2023

  2. Enhanced HTML parsing and tag search per updated documentation.

  3. Support of DS18B20 temperature sensor.

  4. Improved MQTT reconnect check to maintain connection with server.

  5. Beta feature of MQTT to Modbus/RS485 slave (server). This acts as remote Modbus server.


  1. Release date: 13 October 2023

  2. Enhanced Modbus read support for 32 bit registers:

    1. Support for byte swapped registers for LSB and MSB using 3 digit code.

    2. Support for unsigned-int for 32 bit Modbus registers (code 24, 25)

    3. Now YuDash IoT gateways support all byte swapping (Modbus documentation)

  3. Support for Float64 and Int64 register read in Modbus. This is subject to data handling at 32 bit during transmission.

  4. Support for 8 channel analog in LYNX48 (V3.61)

  5. Bug-fix in SD card read during NFH (network failure handler) operation.


  1. Release date: 15 September 2023

  2. Addition of JSON_FORMAT_16 payload format.

    • This is applicable for Indian OEM customer.


    • Generic two level JSON payloads with array (17) and JSON (18)

  4. Improved reliability of temperature Digital Sensor DS18B20.

  5. Firmware variant V3.51 for LYNX48 data logger with 8 channel analog inputs.


  1. Release date: 2 August 2023

  2. Improved HTTP/SSL support.


  1. Release date: 16 June 2023

  2. Addition of JSON_FORMAT_14 and JSON_FORMAT_15

    1. Metadata at device level and variable level in JSON payload.

    2. Variable mapping option in payload

  3. Support of multiple cloud servers (upto 6 servers) for HTTP and FTP.

  4. Addition of timestamp format: TS_55 and TS_65 (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:00)


  1. Release date: 29 May 2023

  2. Support of payload type XWWW_FORMAT_30 for application/x-www-form-urlencoded in HTTP/REST API Servers.

  3. Improved watchdog timer.

Last updated